Web Development Course

Work is easy when you have all tools around you!

Web Development Course

This comprehensive web development course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level in building modern, responsive websites and web applications.

About the Course

This comprehensive web development course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level in building modern, responsive websites and web applications.


30 Hours


basic to Advanced


Printed & Pdf


Online or In person


Web Development

You will learn the essential front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frameworks and tools. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to create dynamic, interactive, and fully functional web applications and websites, and you will be well-prepared for a career in web development.

Course Duration

Full Course: 30 Hours

FastTrack Course: 20 Hours

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in web development.
  • Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience through web development platforms.
  • Cutting-Edge Tools: Get familiar with essential front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Flexible Payment Plan: Tailormade Payment options available.

Flexible Timing

The Flexible Working Hours Policy allows students of a any category.

Individual Attention

We are giving individual learning & attention of every students.

Affordable Fees

Our fee structure is very less compare to other training centre.

Expert Instructors

Learn the best from the industry experts. Our team of experienced

Course Modules

    • Overview of Web Development
      • Web Development Basics: Understanding the structure of the web.
      • Front-End vs. Back-End: Differences and roles.
      • Development Environments: Setting up a development environment.
    • Tools and Technologies
      • Text Editors and IDEs: VSCode, Sublime Text, etc.
      • Version Control with Git: Basics of Git and GitHub.
      • Command Line Basics: Navigating and using the command line.
    • Introduction to HTML
      • HTML Syntax and Elements: Basic tags and structure.
      • Document Structure: Head, body, and metadata.
      • Text Formatting and Semantics: Headings, paragraphs, lists, and semantic tags.
    • Multimedia and Embedding
      • Images and Videos: Adding and formatting images and videos.
      • Audio: Embedding audio files.
      • Iframes: Embedding external content.
    • Forms and Inputs
      • Form Elements: Input types, labels, and buttons.
      • Form Validation: Basic form validation techniques.
    • Introduction to CSS
      • CSS Syntax and Selectors: Basic selectors, properties, and values.
      • Color and Typography: Styling text and colors.
      • Box Model: Margins, borders, padding, and content.
    • Layouts and Positioning
      • Flexbox: Creating flexible layouts.
      • Grid Layout: Advanced layout techniques with CSS Grid.
      • Positioning: Static, relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky positioning.
    • Responsive Design
      • Media Queries: Making websites responsive.
      • Mobile-First Design: Designing for mobile devices first.
      • Frameworks: Introduction to Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks.
    • Advanced CSS Techniques
      • Transitions and Animations: Adding interactivity with CSS.
      • Preprocessors: Using Sass/SCSS for more powerful CSS.
    • Introduction to JavaScript
      • JavaScript Basics: Syntax, variables, and data types.
      • Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators.
      • Control Structures: Conditional statements and loops.
    • Functions and Objects
      • Functions: Defining and invoking functions.
      • Objects and Arrays: Creating and manipulating objects and arrays.
      • ES6 Features: Arrow functions, let/const, template literals, and more.
    • DOM Manipulation
      • Selecting Elements: Querying and selecting DOM elements.
      • Event Handling: Adding event listeners and handlers.
      • Updating the DOM: Modifying HTML and CSS through JavaScript.
    • Advanced JavaScript
      • Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, async/await, and AJAX.
      • APIs and Fetch: Interacting with web APIs and fetching data.
    • Introduction to React
      • React Basics: Components, props, and state.
      • Lifecycle Methods: Understanding component lifecycle.
      • Hooks: Using hooks for functional components.
    • State Management
      • Redux: Introduction to Redux for state management.
      • Context API: Using React's Context API for state management.
    • Routing
      • React Router: Adding client-side routing to React applications.
    • Other Frameworks
      • Vue.js: Introduction to Vue.js basics.
      • Angular: Overview of Angular and its core concepts.
    • Introduction to Back-End Development
      • Server Basics: Understanding server-side programming.
      • Node.js: Introduction to Node.js and its ecosystem.
    • Working with Databases
      • SQL Databases: Introduction to MySQL/PostgreSQL.
      • NoSQL Databases: Introduction to MongoDB.
    • Express.js
      • Express Basics: Setting up an Express server.
      • Routing and Middleware: Creating routes and using middleware.
    • Authentication and Authorization
      • User Authentication: Implementing user registration and login.
      • JWT and OAuth: Using JSON Web Tokens and OAuth for authentication.
    • Integrating Front-End and Back-End
      • RESTful APIs: Creating and consuming RESTful APIs.
      • GraphQL: Introduction to GraphQL and its use cases.
    • Deployment and DevOps
      • Deployment Basics: Deploying applications to cloud services (Heroku, AWS, etc.).
      • CI/CD: Continuous integration and continuous deployment practices.
    • Testing and Debugging
      • Unit Testing: Writing tests for your code.
      • Debugging Tools: Using browser dev tools and other debugging tools.
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
      • Service Workers: Implementing offline functionality.
      • Web App Manifest: Creating a manifest file for your web app.
    • Web Performance Optimization
      • Performance Metrics: Measuring and improving web performance.
      • Lazy Loading: Techniques for lazy loading images and scripts.
    • Security Best Practices
      • Common Vulnerabilities: Protecting against XSS, CSRF, and other attacks.
      • Secure Coding Practices: Writing secure code.
    • Real-World Projects
      • Project Planning: Defining project scope and requirements.
      • Development and Deployment: Building and deploying your project.
      • Presentation and Feedback: Presenting your project and receiving feedback.
    • Portfolio Development
      • Creating a Portfolio Website: Showcasing your work and skills.
      • Resume and LinkedIn: Enhancing your resume and LinkedIn profile.

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Course Features

  • Comprehensive Coverage of Web Development Techniques
  • Experienced Instructors with Real-World Expertise
  • Flexible Learning Options
  • Access to Cutting-Edge Tools and Resources
  • Hands-On Projects and Case Studies
  • Certification Preparation and Career Support

Associations and Accreditations